Building a Better Future
From the Impact Desk

Raising Resilient communities in Ghana

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child

| Justus Njuki

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. This is what makes people laugh, smile, and face each day with gratitude. But there are stories that pierce hearts and darken spirits. Impecunious  families and homeless children whose devastating conditions continue to rob them of their lovely smile.

It’s time to help ignite lost hopes by caring, loving and protecting children. Provision for the much-needed support is paramount.

The latter is what has necessitated Impact Space Inc. to equip young people with skills and empathy to help lift their communities out of poverty in Ghana. To do this, the organization is rallying for a consolidated effort to combat among them mental health related issues which  threatens to scuttle the hardy made gains, especially among the community members.

Such include Marshalling young people for Wordworks Counselling sessions and organizing Care Drives across the country,designed to help empower young children most of whom are vulnerable.

Impact Space Director, Irene Nyarko who recently visited Maame Esi, a pregnant mother who fled to Ghana from Benin is advocating for more effort to curb poverty levels among the communities.

Abusive relationship almost claimed the life of Maame Emesi, and had to flee to Ghana for safety. It’s better there but still can’t  access basic necessities like food, and shelter . She recently gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and as a mother of five now, Maame is in need of much help Irene Nyarko

Ms. Nyarko adds that many more people are struggling to provide for their children and there is a need to Provide the much needed support and care .

Impact Space Ghana Volunteers

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